Monday 4 April 2011

Turks and Tuscans: the impact of the wave from the Nile?

As promised I'm releasing individual, intra-population data for my Dual Core run. It is remarkably uniform within each population, and clines within them are smooth and can be explained easily. This may not be the best solution ADMIXTURE can provide, but I remain convinced it's the most informative so far for Neolithic relationships.
Note how "Evenki+Yakut" is nearly absent in a few individuals and has absolutely no relation with the Nile Core wave component. The model doesn't predict any correlation since the Nile component arrived thousands of years before Turkic nomads presumably brought the Evenki+Yakut and the Nganasan element into Anatolians. The Turkic element, being a lot more recent (hundreds vs thousands of years) is much more uneven.
Note how "Forager A" diminishes in areas with more of the Nile Core wave component. This is actually a prediction of the model. Nile valley derived agriculturalists would have arrived into Tuscany via a sea route, following the coastal village to village route settled by their predecessors in the First Mesopotamian Western (Vasconic) wave. Their demographic impact would reduce both the Forager A and the first wave Mesopotamian elements even further due to greater demographic densities possible with the new Nile Core capabilities. On the other hand, areas further up North, or inside the peninsula, particularly in the hilly interior, would be less affected. I don't know where from Tuscans in this set with high "Forager A" come from but I'd be willing to bet they are ancestrally from further North, away from the coast or from hilly/mountainous regions such as the Apennines.
In Italy it appears the Nile River wave is loosing steam?, perhaps as it absorbs more and more Mesopotamian elements, perhaps also concurrently as Mesopotamians begin to learn new techniques, adopt new seeds and ways more readily, and absorb other capabilities in less dramatic ways? Second Neolithic waves would have higher drag in the model, since they're expanding against already Neolithic, even if less advanced, people.

"Forager A", or whatever the "San" component is (can't think of any other explanation for it but I'd welcome suggestions) is much more homogeneous in populations to the North. I'll publish more populations next and then the spreadsheet with all of them.

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